Rev Dr Meg Gilley
I was born in Sarawak, though the family came to the UK when I was 9 years old. I studied at St Andrews University and left eventually with a degree in New Testament and Practical Theology, married to a lecturer in Church History and a baby son. We came to Durham in 1978, and our daughter was born the following year. When the children got to school, I worked in the NHS for 16 years, ending up as Chief Executive of Darlington Primary Care Group, picking up a PhD on collaboration between health and social services along the way. I left the NHS in 2000, and was ordained deacon and then priest, after three years training with the North East Ordination Course. I served in parishes in the Diocese of Durham, retiring in April 2020.
I read an article about the CFPSS in the Church Times when I was a curate and applied to join. In those days, you had to have a sponsor, so I was summoned to a meeting with Michael Perry (former President) who needed to check me out before I was allowed to join. Until I retired, I paid my subs, skim-read the journals and attended one conference. In lockdown, the CFPSS became my church, attending Neil Broadbent’s online Eucharists and the WhatsApp discussion group.Â