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People have all sorts experiences that don't make sense and cannot be explained by science or reason. These events are often spritual experiences which touch on the invisible realms involving God, angels, or spirits - including spirits of the departed.


When a person has such experiences and approaches a minister, priest or other trusted leader in the Church to talk about their experience, this is not always well received, for a variety of reasons. This leaves the person feeling belittled, not believed, and unable to talk further about the experience.


This book, primarily intended for clergy, ministers, Christian counsellors and spiritual advisors, addresses the dilemma - how to listen to people who want to talk about their unearthly experiences in a way that helps them.


The reader will be enabled to respond in thoughtful, careful, pastoral and compassionate ways, by exploring a variety of accounts of spiritual experiences and viewing such encounters through a biblical framework.


Paperback. 152 pages.

Talking About Spiritual Experience


    Charity Number: 233778

    The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies

    Office 8, The Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale Business Park

    Mansfield, Notts, NG19 8RL

    01623 812206


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