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What should our attitude be to psychic experience and paranormal phenomena from the perspective of the authority of Scripture?


This article traces the journey from the severity of the Old Testament law to the new and transforming law in Christ, and introduces different aspects for further reflection and study.

The Psychic -
What does the Bible say?

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Sensitivity or Mediumship in a Christian Context

Doesn't the Bible prohibit communication with the dead?

Christianity and Mediumship

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The Psychic -
What Does the Bible Say?

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Click each title to read the article, or scroll down for more details.

Sensitivity or Mediumship in a Christian Context

Sensitives have the ability to communicate with dimensions of reality other than the material. It must be seen to be a natural faculty, but, nonetheless, as potentially one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12.7-12). Sensitivity, ranging from person-to-person communication at the level of human relationships, to healing, guidance and to inspired prophecy, may be seen as having a real part in the life of the Church. The gift of sensitivity operates on the psychic level, but when the person is dedicated to the service of God it may be raised to a spiritual level.

Charity Number: 233778


The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies

Office 8, The Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale Business Park

Mansfield, Notts, NG19 8RL


01623 812206


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