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Prof Brian Thorne


Seventy years ago a group of Christians, clergy and lay had become much concerned that they and many others, past and present, were aware of significant experiences to which the Church appeared to have little or no effective response. As a result they decided to form a society which evolved into the Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies. Although the Fellowship began its work in that difficult post-war era when people were asking questions about their loved ones and survival of death, there has been a broadening of its studies over years.


Our studies include healing ministry, religious experience, paranormal phenomena, mysticism and prayer to name but a few. We aim to help those who may have encountered an event which was outside their understanding or who may have received a 'gift of the Spirit' but found little encouragement or support when seeking a way forward.

About Us

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Dr Santha Bhattacharji


Vicky Jeffs




Jo Arnold

General Secretary

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Dr Rowan Williams


Rt Rev Richard Chartres


Dr Rupert Sheldrake


Prof Brian Thorne


Susan Howatch


A Word from 
our Patron

Our name is rather long, but we believe that every word in it is relevant. Take a moment to watch this video to see how our name reflects our beliefs and our mission.

Transcript available here.

I came across the CFPSS when I was exploring the interface of paranormal phenomena and Christianity for a strand of my Starbridge novels and I was immediately impressed by the Fellowship's emphasis on reason, scholarship and the importance of ongoing scientific research in this field. Viewing the paranormal through this scrupulously honest Christian lens not only illuminated certain realms of religious experience for me but confirmed my belief that science and religion are different aspects of a multisided truth. CFPSS is not for the nutty fringe; it is for the truth-seekers who possess open minds and intellectual integrity.


- Susan Howatch, Author.

Who Are the CFPSS?

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Rt Rev Martin Shaw



Many people have come to value the guidance of the Fellowship when they have experienced spontaneous gifts of the Spirit, the pain of bereavement or simply a call to deeper spiritual understanding. The Fellowship offers a safe meeting place where members and enquirers may share and explore these experiences in an open atmosphere of love and acceptance.

Charity Number: 233778


The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies

Office 8, The Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale Business Park

Mansfield, Notts, NG19 8RL


01623 812206


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